Disabled veterans. Deployed troops with children at home. Job hunters trying to connect the dots between military service and rewarding careers. Young people looking for mentors to help them learn, compete and contribute to society. The families of men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation. These are just some of the people who benefit from your tax-deductible donation to American Legion Charities.
American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. A participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county and state government, Boys State was founded in 1935. Legion posts select high school juniors to attend the program. In most cases, individual expenses are paid by a sponsoring post, a local business or another community-based organization. For more information: http://www.legion.org/boysnation or in Michigan: http://michiganboysstate.org
American Legion Auxiliary Girls State develops leadership skills, confidence and action-based understanding of the government process that gives young women a lasting foundation for success both personally and professionally. The Auxiliary believes that educating youth about the basic ideals and principles of government will help ensure the survival of our democracy. The program is a week long immersive learning experience held on a college campus where girls live in “cities” within the dormitory. The learning, experience, memories, and friendships last a lifetime. For more information: https://www.alaforveterans.org/ala-girls-state
or in Michigan: http://michalaux.org/girls-state
Please save the aluminum (NON-MAGNETIC) tabs from all of your beverage and pull-tab containers to donate to our Tabs for Tots Program. The funds provided by turning in this scrap metal goes toward our many "Children & Youth" programs, including the Ronald McDonald House Charities.
Don't forget that many American Legion Posts will accept your old and worn American Flags for disposal. Help us to ensure that our nation's flags are properly disposed of with dignity, patriotism and honor when they reach the end of their serviceable career.
We invite you to participate in
our current charitable drives and programs
Copyright American Legion Post 346 Farmington Hills, Michigan All rights reserved.