The American Legion
The American Legion Department of Michigan
The American Legion Auxiliary
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Sons of the American Legion Detachment of Michigan
American Legion Riders
American Legion Riders of Michigan
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Links to websites of interest to veterans
Publication of links does not imply endorsement by the American Legion or Post 346 of the products or services listed.
Free VA program for veterans who struggle with substance abuse. Veterans, especially recent veterans
have been hard hit by the opioid epidemic and the rise in other substance use disorders (SUD). Problems
of chronic pain and PTSD make substance use and abuse more likely. Since 2011, the U.S. Department of
Veteran Affairs has treated SUD with contingency management (CM), a technique that promotes abstinence
from drugs and alcohol. This program rewards veterans with financial assistance, food vouchers and other
prizes as long as they stay sober while in treatment. The technique is simple, costs little, and boasts a high
success rate. If you are interested in this service please contact your local VA medical center.
Substance Abuse Rehab for Veterans. In 2015, 1 in 15 veterans had a substance use disorder, and they
are more likely than civilians to have substance abuse problems with alcohol, tobacco, and prescription
drugs. According to a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA),
12.7% of service members who have served since 2001 reported drug abuse. The good news is that if you
are a veteran who struggles with substance abuse, you can receive a variety of services for free from the
VA including treatment in facilities, individual or group therapy, medications, and other services.
has compiled information to walk you through each step of the process - from learning about treatment
programs to accessing treatment. We also provide additional resources, hotlines, and funding programs
to supplement or help make treatment possible.
According to the 2012 U.S. Census, Veterans age 65 or older numbered in excess of 12.4 million
These Veterans served in conflicts around the world including World War II, the Korean War, the
Vietnam War and even in the Persian Gulf War. As Veterans age, the Department of Veterans Affairs
will provide benefits and services that address a variety of issues including the changing health risks
they face, as well as financial challenges through VA benefits and health services. Elderly Veterans
may be eligible for a wide-variety of benefits available to all U.S. military Veterans. VA benefits include
disability compensation, pension, education and training, health care, home loans, insurance, vocational
rehabilitation, and burial. See our Veterans page for an overview of the benefits available to all Veterans.
Are you a Military Caregiver? - Do you do things for someone who serves or has served in the Armed
Forces that he/she can't do for themselves? Do you help them with stress, emotional issues, anger
or depression? Do you take them to medical appointments or arrange health care for them? Do you
sometimes feel alone or isolated in your duties because no one around you does the same thing or
seems to understand? If you answered yes to any of these questions you may be a military caregiver,
and there is help and resources available to you.
The Elizabeth Dole Foundationprovides caregiving support, peer networking and training for
caregivers of military servicemembers and veterans at
Caregiver Advocate Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs provides tools and resources
for military caregivers at
Military and Veteran Caregiver Network offers an online peer support network and other services
for military caregivers at www.milvetcaregivers
US Food and Drug Administration Recalls Protecting and promoting your health. Learn about important recalls and prescription information that may directly affect you. Recalls are actions taken by a firm to remove a product from the market. The recalls listed on this website are generally Class I, which means there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to a product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death. If you have a medicine that has been recalled, talk to your health care professional about the best course of action. Stores generally have a return and refund policy when a company has announced a recall of its products.
My HealtheVet is VA’s online personal health record. It was designed for Veterans, active duty members, their dependents and caregivers. My HealtheVet helps you partner with your health care team. It provides you opportunities and tools to make informed decisions and manage your health care. Also available are your VA immunization records, more detailed lab reports and a list of your current medical issues. These features are in addition to prescription refills, VA Appointments and Secure Messaging.
eBenefits is a portal; a central location for Veterans, Service Members, and their families to research, find, access, and manage their benefits and personal information. eBenefits offers: A personalized workspace called My Dashboard that provides quick access to eBenefits tools. You can apply for benefits, download your DD 214, view your benefits status, in addition to other actions as needed. This workspace is available to you once you have created an eBenefits account. eBenefits also provides you with a catalog of links to other sites that provide information about military and Veteran benefits.
Calling all women who served in the United States Military. Do you know your Veteran status? Do you have a Veteran ID card? Do you receive any benefits from the VA, like the GI Bill? Do you receive health care benefits from VA? If you do not know the answers to these questions Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) established a call center just for you. The Women Veterans Call Center (WVCC) answersquestions and responds to concerns from women Veterans, their families, and caregivers across the nation about VA services and resources. The call is free: 1-855-VA-WOMEN
The Federal Trade Commission offers all consumers information about how to recover from identity theft. Identity theft happens when someone steals your personal information and uses it without your permission. It’s a serious crime that can wreak havoc with your finances, credit history, and reputation and can take time, money, and patience to resolve. Here’s how to begin to limit the harm from identity theft.
The Military Separation Guide for Active Duty Personnel It’s never too early to begin preparations
for your separation from active military service. The Department of Defense (DoD) recommends that you
start your planning at least 12 months prior to separation, and 24 months prior to retirement, from active duty.
The DoD’s Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is is a vital resource to ensure that your separation/retirement
choices are truly in your, and your family’s, best interests. Transition counselors and online tools provide special transition benefits information, employment workshops, automated employment job-hunting tools and job banks, veteran benefits information, disabled veterans benefits information, and many other types of transition and other related information. From
Extensive lists of military and veteran discounts are available at:
Here at Coupon Chief, we know that freedom really isn’t free. We’re thankful to veterans from every branch of the military, whether combat vets or stateside support. Everyone who raised a hand to declare allegiance to the flag and country, then made themselves available to defend it, is a hero in our estimation. The aim of this guide is to show veterans some of the many benefits extended to them from grateful businesses like ours. You deserve every penny of the savings and every bit of the gratitude you’ll find here.
The Dealhack Military Discount Guide is the result of our quarterly survey of brands that offer active-duty military and veteran discounts. Every three months, we independently verify each and every store on this list. believes that the benefits earned in military service should be easier to access and written in plain English. They're passionate about helping members make the most of military experience throughout life.
Copyright American Legion Post 346 Farmington Hills, Michigan All rights reserved.